Fear Not, Simple right?!?!
2 Timothy 1:7 NLT For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
I have heard this bible verse so much this week. I thank God, because I have needed the constant reminder. COVID -19. It’s here. It’s all around us. This virus too small to see with the naked eye has paralyzed nations. It’s paralyzing our nation right now. Churches are no longer gathering on Sundays, schools are out for an early or extended spring break, and hospitals are flooded with people concerned that they may have it.
There is no way that Priscilla Shirer knew that my small group would be creating our prayer strategy for fear, the week after COVID -19 started showing up in our state, near our homes and keeping our kids home from school and day care. However, God knew. COVID -19, didn’t surprise God. Nothing does. He is omniscient. He knows all things. He timed this to line up. He knew our small group would need something to rally around and really join together in prayer for. Well, here we have it, a pandemic.
Everyone is worried. It’s not completely irrational, but to this degree. This has me wondering, what other small, minute, invisible to the naked eye, thing has you paralyzed? What oh so tiny thing is keeping you from what God is calling you to? Is it your fear of failure? Is it your fear of success? Is it the the fear of the known? Is it the fear of the what-if? Those fears that creep in that no one can see, no one else can hear, but they keep you paralyzed in your current job, your current relationship, or your current weight? Priscilla reminds us that fear is not of God. So honey, let me remind you that it’s not about you. It’s not about what you are capable of and what you think might happen. It’s about what God is capable of and what his plans are for you. Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us that he has good plans for us. God can do more in and through you than you ever could ask imagine or think. Remember Ephesians 3:20. So let’s replace some fear with some faith. Let’s take 1 step of faith. Let’s start the online business, set down boundaries in the relationship, join the gym. Let’s get going.
I mean, what’s the worst case scenario??
I see, I see…
Ok, ok, good point.
Do it anyway. Like Priscilla told her friend Shawna on the way back from that girls trip. Do it anyway.
Instructions for this week.
- Go read the chapter, if you haven’t already.
- Pray that God reveals to you what areas you are letting fear run rampant in your life? Where is fear holding you back? What agreements have you made with the enemy out of fear? They must break and bow at the name of Jesus. What lies are you believing because the spirit of fear got a hold of you? I bind the spirit of fear. I pray that you will walk boldly into whatever God has for you, for fear no longer has a hold on you.
- Priscilla told us that there are over 300 bible verses telling us not to fear. Go find your favorites and try to memorize 1 or two.
- Write down your favorite verses and start writing that prayer strategy. Make it specific. T-A-G God with all your cares and concerns. Fear has no place here and it is not of God.
- Pray that strategy and meet up with your small group to discuss what you are about to start walking boldly in, because fear had to let you go.
- Type it up. Place it clearly visible in that place where fear tries to come for you. Remind him that you did not send for him, therefore he ain’t bout to come for you. Not today satan.
Please pray the fear releases it’s grip on your city, our nation, and our world.
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