This means War
I mean I just can’t wait to start bellowing out powerful, specific, life altering prayers.
Right now, I view my prayer life is the ultimate game of tag with GOD. Except he is always “it” and I am always winning. I love the PRAY outline that Priscilla uses in the FERVENT book. P-R-A-Y. P – Praise, R – repentance, A – asking, and Y – Yes. But, I like the imagery of playing a game of tag. I imagine myself jumping up to heaven and tagging God with my prayers. There are no take backs, he never turns around and starts chasing me. I just keep tagging him. So, when I jump up with my prayers and tag God with them, then they are his. I am casting my cares to him, following the instructions of 1 Peter 5:7. I don’t come back down with them. I leave them up there with him, for him to take care of, because he cares for me.
Tagging him orients me to what I am doing, while also giving me an outline. T-A-G. T- Thanks, A – Ask, G – Glorify. I start by thanking him. Thanking him for all that he has none for me, all that he is going to do, and for just being him. Then I ask. I ask for what I need. I ask for him to show up in my life. I ask for him to be whatever I need him to be for me today, as he know just what I need. Then I glorify. I give him all the honor and glory to remind me just how awesome he is. From time to time, when I remember I add the R in from PRAY outline and repent. But mostly I just tag God and give my cares to him.
Now go check out, Strategy 1.
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