Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds…
Genesis 9:14
Just stop for a second and breathe. Relax. Think about a calming sound, maybe rain on your window. Just breathe. Imagine the beautiful rainbow that you may see once the rain stops. Focus on the brilliant colors of the rainbow and the happiness that it brings you. Now, think about the fact that a rainbow is a promise from God. It is a visible promise from God to not flood the entire earth again. Amazing, right! God left us a visible promise, that comes after the rain. Ever notice how some of the worse thunderstorms produce the best rainbows or better yet a double rainbow. God gave us this visible sign as a reminder that no matter how bad it rains, how bad the wind howls, how bad the lightning strikes, or how bad it floods, he will never destroy the earth with a flood again. So, let’s take some time to think about, what else has God promised us? Did God also promise us passion? It is written in Jeremiah 24:7 that “I will give them a heart to know Me, for I am the Lord” and in Ezekiel 36:26 “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you.” God promises you a new heart that desires him.
Priscilla tells us in this strategy that the enemy tries with all his might to make us believe that it is our fault we don’t desire to pray and to know God more. He wants our passion tank empty. If that wasn’t bad enough he then goes on to condemn us, accuse us, and manipulate us into thinking that our lack of want to, desire, zeal, fervor, and passion means there is something wrong with us. Remember, he is nothing but a big liar and we are not going to take that.
Now, let’s take some more time to think. How can we combat his lies? Is there anything that we can use as a visible reminder that our passion comes from God and he alone is the only one that can restore it? Is there anything that will remind us that God promised us a new heart? Is there anything that will remind us that his compassion never fails and is new each morning?

I don’t know about you, but as for me, I am using the clouds. Whenever I walk outside and look up, almost everyday there will be at least 1 cloud in the sky. A visible representation of rain. In 1 Kings 18:44, a cloud as small as a man’s hand, represented the promise that God made to Elijah that he would send rain. In Hosea 6:3 it is written, that “He will come to us like the rain.” In this strategy Priscilla reminds us of how to receive rain and that is exactly how we need to receive our passion. Just sit and wait for it to fall. Maybe taking a chance to dance in it, because you know that you didn’t supply it and there’s so much more where it came from.
God promises us passion and this strategy is praying to get the passion back. You know the enemy is out there trying to steal your passion, but there is a cloud. There is a promise from God. There is a reminder that God is still in the promise keeping business. So, the clouds may come and it may storm, but God left us a reminder of his promises, a rainbow.
So, let’s get to work. Let’s try and TAG God with our problems or PRAY. Either way, let’s get after it.
Below you will find some guidance to help you along the way.
- Go read the chapter if you haven’t already. Underline what speaks to you. Highlight your favorite part.
- Pray that God reveals to you what is stealing your passion. Ask God for a new heart. Ask God to show you your rainbow, your cloud, your visible reminder of his promises to you.
- Do some research. Search for some bible verses to add to the ones Priscilla gave us in the book. Search for bible verses that specifically speak to rainbows, God’s promises, passion, or storms.
- Start crafting your prayer strategy. Get specific. Don’t hold any punches.
- Pray, fervently. Adding and taking away from your prayer strategy as you see fit.
- Type it up and print it out to hide in the places where your passion gets lost the most. Keep adding to it if something new is revealed to you. Most importantly keep praying!
Thanks for sharing! I’m thankful for God’s promises to us.
Oh my goodness!!! This is sooo amazing! I love witnessing the majesty of God’s creation and the beauty He gave us to behold. While reading this I could imagine each scene and I appreciate the natural visuals of God’s promises that you used to help us think about ALL of God’s promises to us. I thank God for renewing my passion and replacing my old stone heart for a new soft heart made of flesh! I thank God for you sharing this strategy and the tips are phenomenal!