1 Peter 2:9 (GNT) But you are the chosen race, the King's priests, the holy nation, God's own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God, who called you out of darkness into his own marvelous light.
Who do you think you are? No, really! Who do you think you are? Do you believe that you are a chosen race? Do you know who the bible says that you are?
Chosen ~ Matthew 22:14
Forgiven ~ 1 John 2:12
Wonderfully and fearfully made ~ Psalm 139:14
Loved ~ Romans 8:38-39
A Conqueror ~ Romans 8:22
And those are just a few things that the bible says that you are. In this strategy Priscilla helps us to understand how the enemy targets us when he comes to challenge our identity. He wants us overwhelmed by insecurities. He wants us distracted and focusing on the person next to us. He wants us to believe that we don’t measure up and we don’t have what it takes.
Take a quick moment to ask yourself a couple of questions.
What’s the enemy telling you?
Do you believe it?
After sin entered the world, God asked Adam and Eve, who told them they were naked, Genesis 3:11. Who told them that they were anything less than perfect children of God? And I ask you, Who told you? Who told you that you weren’t love? Who told you that you didn’t matter? Who told you weren’t made for this? Who told you? I ask this, because our enemy knows that you are everything the bible says that you are. He can’t do anything about it, unless he gets you to not believe it. If he gets you distracted and focused on the earthly things. Looking around comparing yourself to others, instead of looking to the creator. Remember Strategy 2. So, take time to analyze and really think about what the enemy has been telling you. What’s gotten in the way of you finding your identity in Christ? What’s the enemy been up to that has you feeling, thinking, believing that you are less than a child of the almighty, all knowing God?
- Now, go and read/listen to the chapter if you haven’t.
- Pray that God reveals to you what the enemy has been telling you to make you question your identity. Ask that God reveals to you what it means to be a child of God.
- Read Ephesians 1.
- Start crafting your prayer strategy. Write down what God says about you.
- Pray, fervently.
- Last type it up and print it out. Then go hide your identity prayer in the places where you need to be reminded of your identity in Christ the most.
[…] Now, Strategy 3: Your Identity. […]