The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.
Psalm 34:7
Your Team. Your Tribe. Your People. They are rooting for you and there are more on your side than you will ever know. First off, I’m rooting for you. I am praying that God sends an encampment of angels to surround every person that reads this blog. That includes you, yes you! So, just imagine that you are on the football field of life and the stadium is filled with angels and those that are rooting for you. I would be there and you have never even met me.
You see I used to be a cheerleader in college. I cheered in front of thousands of fans. Yet, I’m sure none of the football players knew who I was, but I still cheered my heart out for them every single game. You won’t always know whose on your team. Some of your biggest prayer warriors, may have only heard about you through a friend or just live in your neighborhood.
For instance, there was a house that I passed on the way to work every day for almost two years. The owners were renovating it and I just could not wait to see it once it was finished. Then, one day I drove by and apparently it had caught fire and burned down. In the process, it also caught the camper that they were staying in next to it on fire as well. As far as I know, no one was injured, but overnight those people had went from renovating their new home to not having anywhere to stay. Remember, I have never met these people and rarely ever actually saw them. So, I did what I knew to do and I started praying for that house almost every single day going to work. Still to this day, I still have never met the people who live in that house, but I prayed for them almost daily. They eventually were able to build a brand new house, where the old one stood.
This story is to remind you that you have no idea how big your team is. You can’t know how many strangers are out there praying for you. Please know that I am praying for you and know that I am rooting for you. Even if it feels like you are in the fourth quarter of a football game down by eight touchdowns, know that there’s nothing that God can’t do.
Now, start visualizing that stadium. Filled to the brim for people rooting for you to Win.
If you have a more specific prayer request then send it my way.
Thanks for sharing. It made me think of Hebrews 12:1 and how it says “since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses.” Thanks for being on my team.