Some say it takes 21 days to form a habit. That is 3 weeks of being intentional and purposeful. I’m not sure that’s true, but I started my prayer journaling during 21 days of prayer and fasting at my church and it stuck. So, maybe there is something to that 21 days.
Here is an opportunity to spend 3 weeks building a strong prayer foundation, let’s see where it gets us. I still can’t believe all the prayers that I know have been answered, because of my prayer journal. All of the reminders of how faithful God is and how he is a man of his word. Prayer journaling is honestly what has grown my faith the most. Sound like something you need to grow your faith?
Please don’t focus on perfection but the process. I would much rather at the end of the 21 days you have 17 thoughtful prayers and a great quiet time routine instead of 21 superficial prayers and no change in habits. I will be so excited to see comments about how you did all 21 days,but I will also be excited to see comments about how you did 1 day and it changed your life. This isn’t about me, my goal for you is to start building the foundation for your relationship with Jesus.
Here is an outline that I use to craft my prayers.