Never stop praying.
1 Thessalonians 5:17 NLT
And there you have it. The basis for my prayer life. I used to think that I needed complete silence, on my knees, and next to my bed to pray. My understanding of prayer has grown significantly and I no longer treat prayer as a task to complete, but as a mindset to have. I pray on the way to work, during my daughter’s bath time, and just whenever I think I need to talk to Jesus. I treat prayer as an open dialogue with Jesus that is constantly going on. However, I do try to take time to quiet myself and write down some prayers. Prayers that I will come back to and pray. Prayers that will remind of how faithful God is. Normally, I try and do this during my quiet time.
What does my quiet time look like? Really, depends on the season.
I have several locations set up from my quiet time, but mostly it’s done lying in bed as of late. I must admit that my quiet time is the most consistent and I feel connect to Jesus the most when I am in a season of waiting. When I get desperate, I get bold and I call on his name. I wake up early, I set aside designated time. Then there are other seasons, when my quiet time consistent of a “thank you, Jesus.”
Right now, as a pregnant toddler mom, I physically struggle getting out of bed and I could not imagine waking up super early to do my quiet time. So, I fit it in when I can.
Here’s what my quiet time can consist of :
- A candle: In the bible, God frequently showed up as fire. So, I light a candle inviting him to invade my quiet time.
- A prayer: I pray something that I have written. I pray to limit distractions, I have posted my quiet time prayer before. You can find it here.
- A verse or two: I don’t read huge passage because I want to retain it.
- A video: The faithful app/website has short videos on different verses that you can watch and get a different perspective. It can be found here. I am not a creator on the site, so do not go looking for me.
- A notebook: To write new prayers or jot down what God has told me.
- A highlighter and A pen: I just like having special pens and highlighters that I only use for my quiet time.
Now sometimes I get half way through and I hear the pitter patter of little feet. Meaning, my time probably needs to come to a close. But I exhale, find the prayer I wrote about God filling my house with tiny footsteps and I thank him for answering that prayer. I may not have gotten through all of Luke, I may have only gotten 5 minutes, but I invited Jesus into my day. Let me know what your quiet time looks like. My sister’s involves 3 different books and a journal.
Still need some guidance???
Check out my Prayer Warriors and Prayer Journal pages!!!